Film & Audio Production

University of Southern California’s Worldbuilding lab — addi’s tapes (short form audio drama)

In Spring 2022, I participated in a Worldbuilding project as part of USC’s Worldbuilding Lab led by Professor Alex McDowell. The project took the premise of a world 300 years in the future built on the detritus of a collapsed society. Working with experts in Tunisia and a cohort of collaborators, we created a futuristic version of Tataouine’s market.

Within my cohort of four people, each person looked at the world through a different set of characters and a unique perspective. My project took the form of a piece of audio fiction following a character named Addi as they come of age in this society.

For a shorter sample, I recommend listening to 7:59 - 10:58.

media literate (podcast) - guest and editor

With other members of USC’s Cinema and Media Studies MA Class of 2022, I organized and edited a podcast interviewing scholars on their current work. My work as a guest is featured on episode 26 (“The Revolution Will Not Be Gamified”), episode 13 (“You’re Not Really Homeless, Tyra!: Gaming, Empathy, and Identification”), episode 8 (“Queering Troy Bolton: Oppositional Readings of Girls Media”), and episode 5 (“D&D & iDeology”). In addition to editing episodes I guested on, I also edited episode 20 (“Turning White Men Into Fertilizer”), episode 18 (“What Americans Are Missing About Squid Game”), and episode 9 (“Corrupt Me, Dracula”). The podcast can be listened to here:

Channel Stupidity (Podcast) - Editor

I edit and perform creative support for this live-play Dungeons and Dragons podcast focused on queer storytelling and deconstruction of heroic myths. More information on the podcast can be found here:

Documentary Work

As a part of my graduate degree, I took a class in documentary filmmaking, and created a final project that considers the experiences of different queer individuals as they relates to identity and the body.

Media Remix

In a graduate class focused on early cinema, I created a remix of silent slapstick comedians with contemporary music to consider how themes around the body and comedy resonate in modern and historical eras.